1015 GARDEN STREET, TITUSVILLE, FL. 32796 * 321-264-0446
1015 GARDEN STREET, TITUSVILLE, FL. 32796 * 321-264-0446
Your Journey Begins Here...
This is a new and very different road you’ve probably never traveled before. Start your pregnancy journey with us. Same day appointments are available and we have a list of community resources and referrals we can provide during your visit. Scroll down to our Frequently Asked Questions section.
When you sign up for one of our childbirth classes, you and your support person can expect to feel significantly more prepared and confident upon completion of instruction! Classes are private.
Join us for a breastfeeding class, led by a CLC educator. Studies show that breastfeeding is the best start for your baby’s nutritional needs. This two-hour class prepares moms, along with a support person, who are considering breastfeeding their baby. Learn the myths, facts, and recommendations about feeding your newborn and caring for yourself during this time.
- Established clients ONLY -
The Safe Sleep class will be online and viewed in the comfort of your own home. You will be sent a link via email and once completed, a brand-new pack & play will be delivered with 7-10 days. Call to see if you qualify!
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
My Appointment:
How do I prepare for my visit?
You will need a valid photo ID and should not use the restroom within FOUR hours of your visit, to ensure the most accurate pregnancy test results.
Do I need an appointment?
Walk-ins may be possible for pregnancy tests and STI tests. If there is not an available appointment, we will work with you. In order to minimize your wait time, you may schedule online for an appointment.
Is there a cost?
Our services are offered at no cost to you.
Can I bring my boyfriend or husband with me to my consultation?
Absolutely. Your boyfriend, friend, spouse or family member are welcome to come with you.
How soon can I come in for a pregnancy test?
You may make an appointment as soon as the first day you have missed your period. Our free, medical-grade pregnancy tests are 97-99% accurate and can detect even early pregnancies.
How will I receive my test results?
You will receive your pregnancy test results at the time of your appointment. STI tests are sent off and results are within 48-72 hours.