1015 GARDEN STREET, TITUSVILLE, FL. 32796 * 321-264-0446
1015 GARDEN STREET, TITUSVILLE, FL. 32796 * 321-264-0446
All of the videos below can be sent directly to your email so that you can watch in private and on your own time. You can send a message through the contact form or call us here at the center. We want to give you the tools to be the BEST Father/Dad you can be!
60 min. We all have a father experience, even if that experience was his absence. And that experience impacts how you father your children. Ask yourself these two questions: What kind of father are you now? And what kind of father do you want to be? In this video, we talk about the things you can do to become a loving father who provides guidance and support—the kind of father your kids need. Learn about the parenting style that will make your children more successful and happier in life, and the things you can do to adopt that style into how you father.
60 min. “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child—it’s the courage to raise one.” You may have heard that being a good father means spending time with your children. But what does that mean? Is it just enough to be present in the home? Or what if you don’t live with your children?
22 min. Do you love disciplining your child? No one does! But it’s an important part of raising a child so they fit into life happily and effectively. How you were disciplined as a kid likely impacts how you feel about it. In this video we talk about how to discipline in a loving, compassionate, and consistent way, whether you’re single parenting, co-parenting, or parenting as a couple.
12 min. The love bond between child and parent is the foundation upon which all discipline, relationships and self-esteem is based. This video instructs both on the importance of bonding and good practices to promote bonding between infants and mothers.
60 min. Changing lifestyle habits and overcoming addictions is tough and takes strength, perseverance, and often outside help. This video will cover the effects of smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy. It will cover how these activities affect your developing baby, your pregnancy, and you. It will also cover some of the long-term, developmental issues your child may face from exposure to these harmful chemicals.
60 min. You’ve seen the stories in the news of babies who’ve been violently shaken and then died from their injuries. Most of us think, “Not me! I would never do that!” There are very few people who set out to hurt a baby. But when you are at your wits end, actions can become chaotic and extreme, and sadly, sometimes end with a baby being shaken violently.